Welcome to My World!

In the beginning….

…an author stared at a blank page and wondered what to put on it.

And then she closed her eyes, put her fingers on the keyboard, and was just as surprised as everyone else when actual words started appearing on the page!

Hi, I’m Leigh Saunders, author of science fiction and fantasy stories, and now, it appears, this blog 🙂

Welcome to my (little corner of the) world!

Here, I’ll talk about writing (and not writing) and tell you some of the “stories behind the stories.” Like my occasional #RandomNovelResearch posts on Twitter (you can follow me at @NoteFromLeigh), from time-to-time, I’ll talk about some cool bit of info I discovered while doing a bit of research for a story — I do lots of research (and I write lots of stories!). Hopefully, you’ll find some of this as interesting as I do.

On my Assorted Short Fiction page, you’ll find covers and short blurbs for the stories currently available, along with links to retailer sites where you can buy them — and yes, this is a shameless plug, but it’s your purchases that fund the writing of the next story, so we’re really helping each other along here!

So, welcome aboard, and thanks for joining me on the journey!

     – Leigh